Carole Chantler
Institute of Registered Case Managers
Carole is a nurse by profession and specialised in Intensive Care Nursing. She has international experience in Case Management in private health and travel insurance.
She has been involved with Case Management in the UK since the late 90’s. She was a founding member of the Case Management Society of the UK and served as Chair from 2007-2011.
As a member of the International Underwriting Association Rehabilitation Working Party she participated in the review of the Rehabilitation Code and chaired the committee for the review of the Rehabilitation Code.
Carole has experience of working in Claimant and Defendant law firms. She was the clinical director at a defendant law firm for 5 years. She has a Masters in Case Management.
She has been involved in the development of The Institute of Case Managers (IRCM) since its inception and is the current Chair.
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