Established in 1975 Peta UK Ltd is recognised for the following product ranges for those with reduced hand function:
EASI-GRIP SCISSORS - The widest range of adapted scissors for children with special and additional needs. Also available with larger blades for adults.
EASI-GRIP GARDEN TOOLS - Ergonomic right-angled handle to keep hand/wrist in neutral position. Also Long Reach tools for wheelchair gardeners. All tools can be fitted with plug-in arm support for use of
EASI-GRIP KNIVES & FOOD PREP BOARD - Using the same right angled design principles this funky looking set of knives makes food preparation EASIer, whilst our sustainable wooden Food Prep Board offers a solution for independent meal preparation even for one-handed individuals.
EASI-GRIP NAIL CARE - Table Top Nail Clipper is ideal for those with tremors and limited hand control whilst our Long Reach Toe Nail scissors assist those with swollen joints and difficulty bending.
Charles HouseKelvedon Road
United Kingdom
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The Peta Easi-Grip range of scissors provides solutions to many different disabilities and difficulties encountered by children learning the complex skill of using scissors to cut accurately.
Peta Easi-Grip Nail Care products offer solutions for independently maintaining neatly trimmed nails for those with limited hand function.
The Peta Easi-Grip solution to independent gardening for those with limited hand function.
The Easi-Grip solution to independent food preparation for those with limited hand function.