27-28 NOVEMBER 2024


Development of best practice approach for the adaptations process for children and adults who experience behaviours of concern

22 Nov 2023
Theatre 3

Adaptations to the home environment play an essential part in improving the health and well-being of children and adults who experience behaviours of concern, but how do we know if this is the right approach? In this session, you will learn about the journey Foundations (the National Advisory Body for the Disabled Facilities Grant and Home Improvement Agencies) has been on over the last two years, developing a best-practice approach to the Disabled Facilities Grant process for people where behaviours of concern have been identified. This journey has involved occupational therapists, Home Improvement Agency Managers, Technical Officers, and organisations working with people with lived experience. One of the objectives of the guidance, to be published later this year thanks to the support of Safe Spaces, will be to ensure that those who experience behaviours of concern get the right type of intervention.

  • By attending this session, attendees will be able to:
  • 1. Understand how adaptations can be used to support young people and adults who experience behaviours of concern
  • 2. Reflet on the benefits and limitations of the Disabled Facilities Grant in providing adaptations for children and adults who experience behaviours of concern
  • 3. Outline the journey that Foundations has taken to develop a best practice approach to the development of best practice guidance to the Disabled Facilities Grant in this area of practice
  • 4. Understand the underlying principles that will be in the guidance when published later this year
Rachel Russell, Senior Regional Advisor - Foundations

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