27-28 NOVEMBER 2024


Imagined futures: disruption and repair in the lives of refugees

22 Nov 2023
Theatre 3

The change associated with forced migration creates extensive disruption to daily life, affecting opportunities, expectations, and identity. In this session we will explore the implications of disruption and the value of occupation as a means of repair in disrupted lives. We will consider the many barriers to occupational inclusion, engagement and choice, before considering how occupation could reduce feelings of disruption and enable refugees to retain a better sense of their imagined future.

  • By the close of the session you will:
  • •Understand the impact of forced migration on a person’s life path.
  • •Appreciate the personal implications of biographical and occupational disruption.
  • •Consider the barriers to occupational engagement faced by refugees.
  • •Explore the potential of occupation to foster biographical repair.
Claire Hart, Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy - Northumbria University

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